5 things I would go back and tell my 23 year-old self.

You know these but are you doing anything about them?

Hi there!

On Tuesday, we discussed mental health and lessons I've learned since turning 25—lessons that continue to help me uncover limiting beliefs from my past.

Today, at 33, we explore, what advice I would give to 23-year-old Carlos.

Circa 2023 - Carlos could have used this advice, I’m sharing with you

Be wary of excuses—the ones you tell others and yourself. Daily actions shape who you become. Just like an apple a day keeps the doctor away, consistent small choices build up over time.

Take Action Today: Your excuses are guideposts, confront them. Reflect on an excuse you used this week to avoid a commitment. What's behind it? Common reasons include fear of failure, discomfort with change, or people-pleasing.

Remember, everyone is improvising. The difference between truly happy people and the rest is intentionality. Happy people do their best, visualize their future, and don’t worry about others' opinions, because most aren’t even paying attention.

Take Action Today: Identify something you've been avoiding because it seems "too hard" or you believe you don’t have "enough time." Sit with that challenge, and instead of turning away, explore why it intimidates you.

Your circle influences you. My parents used to say, 'Tell me who you hang out with, and I'll tell you who you will become.' This wisdom holds true well beyond my teenage years. Surround yourself with people who embody the traits you admire. While books are great companions, they cannot replace the support that comes from real people in your life.

Take Action Today: Pick an area you want to improve—be it relationships, finances, career, or health. Find someone who excels in that area. Engage with them through social media, read their books, or consider starting a conversation or taking their course.

Happiness isn't tied to milestones, material possessions, or reaching specific goals. True happiness comes from the journey of facing difficulties and proving to yourself that you are capable of overcoming any obstacle. True bliss arises from appreciating each day for what it brings, who you are, and what you are becoming.

Take Action Today (and every day): Find gratitude in daily experiences—enjoy facing a challenge, create a meaningful conversation, savor a cup of coffee, feel the sun on your face, or cherish a stranger's smile.

Health as a Foundation for Happiness, good health helps us feel our best and supports our journey, but it's not the only thing that makes us happy. Some of the happiest people I’ve met face significant health challenges. They’ve taught me that happiness comes from accepting our situation and finding joy and meaning in our present through acceptance and letting go of control.

True well-being is about more than just being physically fit; it includes feeling strong mentally and emotionally, and being part of something bigger than just yourself. Eating healthy, exercising your body and mind, being part of a supportive community, and getting enough sleep are important steps to help you live fully.

Take Action Today: If you're feeling tired or low, take a moment to look at your health habits. Write down what you eat, how much you move, how well you sleep, and how you care for your emotional health. Find areas to improve and start making changes today. This is about caring for your whole self, not just your body.

BONUS: A happy day can lead to happy months and ultimately, a happy life. Focus on TODAY!

You may recognize these concepts; they're not revolutionary. However, knowing what's good for us and actually implementing it are often worlds apart. I frequently see this disconnect in my work, where together we devise a 'Success Formula.' This formula is a daily routine that, when repeated, cultivates a fulfilling life.

Here’s an example of a Success Formula:

*Morning Routine (Gratitude practice + 15-minute stretch + 45-minute exercise + Breathing Exercise)

Take Action Today: Draft your own Success Formula and share it with me. I’d love to hear how you create your ideal day.

Keep Growing,

Your coach and friend,
