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  • A Chance to Adjust Course: Set Yourself Up for Success in the Second Half of 2024!

A Chance to Adjust Course: Set Yourself Up for Success in the Second Half of 2024!

Discover the power of morning rituals and how they can reshape your daily life and long-term goals. Join me in making June a transformative month.

Hi there!

Do you remember the goals you set for 2024? How are they going so far?

I’m behind on some, ahead on others, changed a few, and even dropped one that no longer served me. I’m changing my approach to level up on the ones I’m behind.

June holds a special place—not just because it’s another month, but because its end marks the midpoint of the year. This gives us a perfect opportunity to shift the momentum of our year if we’re not where we thought we would be by now.

Opening a Special Moment for Reflection

If we continue as we started, will we end up where we envisioned at the start of the year? This brings us to an important aspect of our daily lives—how we start our day.

One Day One - Every day can be Day 1

Do you have a morning routine? A ritual that sets the flow of your day?

If you do, you’re ahead of the game. If not, here’s a secret I learned too late:

How you spend the morning dictates the rest of your day and, ultimately, influences the trajectory of your life.

During June, I invite you to treat your morning as a sacred ritual. Set boundaries and remain consistently persistent in fulfilling your self-promises. By June 30th, you’ll be amazed at the transformation.

What does fulfilling your self-promise mean?

Keep your word, not just to others but to yourself. Put yourself first this month. If you commit to something—waking up at 6 AM, catching up on a book, or leaving the office early to do something special for your partner—follow through. No excuses.

Here’s What a Morning Ritual Might Look Like:

  • Prepare the night before: Set out your clothes and a cup of water on your nightstand. Visualize your morning going smoothly.

  • Set your alarm: Wake up when you intend to, not just in time to rush out the door. Avoid setting multiple alarms as it suggests to your subconscious that you won’t wake up on time.

  • Hydrate: Drink a glass of water first thing to replenish your body.

  • Start with wins! Choose 1-2 empowering activities to start your day:

    • Read

    • Write

    • Study

    • Journal

    • Meditate

    • Play music

    • Lift weights

    • Breath-work

    • Stretch/Yoga

    • Go for a walk

    • Work on yourself

    • Practice gratitude

    • Review your goals

    • Repeat your incantations

    • Work on your side-hustle

    • Audit your activities of the day

Be on the lookout for energy killers:

Identify your energy killers and unlearn them, making space for the new empowering activities that set you up for success

  • Rushing

  • Poor Diet

  • Notifications

  • Lack of sleep

  • Sugary Breakfast

  • Negative self-talk

  • Toxic Relationships

  • Snoozing your alarm

  • Cluttered environment

  • Social media and emails

  • Lack of hygiene practice

  • Meetings that don’t add value

  • Caffeine first thing in the morning

  • A victim mentality, like "I deserve to sleep more because…"

By focusing on how we start our days, we can profoundly impact our entire year. Discovering the secret to winning each day allows you to replicate that success across weeks, months, and even the entire year.

Focus on today, on the mindset that sets you up to win the rest of the day.

This month, I'm adding breathwork to my ritual, with 6 months free access to the Breathwork app, Othership.

As a new dad, maintaining a consistent morning schedule has been challenging. I'm aiming to become consistently persistent with my ritual.

Hit Reply and share with me how you will treat your morning routine as a ritual and let me know if you want to learn more about breathwork.

♻️ Sharing is caring! If you know someone who could benefit from starting their day with intention, please forward them this email.

Keep Going, Keep Growing!

Your coach and friend,
