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  • You don't need to FIND your purpose, You can CREATE it, here's how!

You don't need to FIND your purpose, You can CREATE it, here's how!

Challenge the myth of finding purpose. Learn practical steps to create a fulfilling life tailored just for you.

Hi there,

Today’s Newsletter was inspired by a question asked at the Unlocking Productivity Masterclass on Tuesday.

"How can I sustain motivation over long periods of time?"

Sara asked curiously during the Q&A

I replied instantly,

When what you're creating is so exciting that you don't need an alarm to wake up in the morning.


Then I continued,

“When your days are so full of purpose and intention that there is no space for motivation to kick in. When your visualized success feels so real you trust your chosen path completely. It’s just a matter of time and showing up every day."

Life is not about finding your purpose in life or being lucky enough to have found your passions.

Life is about creating your purpose, trying new things repeatedly, facing setbacks, and tweaking your actions until things flow effortlessly.


It's when you find the activities, the ones that intersect between your passions, skills and demand, that you find the magic.

Understanding our core strengths and how they align with our professional activities can profoundly transform our approach to work.

I've prepared a worksheet that guides you through this process. It helps you list your potential strengths, evaluate them across key metrics, and discover the areas where your passion, proficiency, and market demand align. - sounds fancy but it's actually easy.

The rest is on you: you need to show up, schedule the work, do the work, track your progress, and reflect on what you’ve tracked. Over time, you’ll find trends that will help you tweak what’s not working and try new things until you experience that flow.

Download the worksheet here, you might uncover hidden strengths that could redefine how you work and lead your life.

Curious to hear about your discoveries or if you need guidance on the exercise? Reply to this email—I'm here to support you!

Action Step (2 minutes): Go to your calendar app right now and block out two 15-minute time blocks for this attachment. This small investment of time could lead to significant insights and improvements in your productivity and satisfaction.

P.S. If you know someone who could benefit from this exercise, please share this newsletter with them. It might just be the insight they need to find alignment.

Keep Growing,

Your Coach and Friend,
