Feeling Stuck? Let's Break Free Together

Discover the unconventional path to personal success.

Hey there!

Creating our purpose is a big topic to only introduce and run away from… so welcome to a further development of Creating Your Purpose because It’s a Journey, Not a Discovery.

P.S.: All newsletters this month of May are focused on empowerment, ownership, and responsibility—because I’d like to show you, you’ve got The Power of Choice.

Let’s talk about setting ourselves free. What worked for me and might work for you is Pattern Recognition:

  1. Lacking excitement about my future, no plans, no vision, only ideas of the life I wanted, similar if possible better than the one I had during my childhood. Can anyone relate?

  2. Not investing in myself“I don't have time or money for this…” but then call me to a bar, restaurant, or padel court and the Amex would magically seem ready to undertake any bill.

  3. Caring too much about fitting in with my family, friends, and social circle, never questioning if my choices were conscious or if I just wanted to feel loved and part of something bigger—the only thing I knew.

  4. Expecting too much from others—family, friends, society, co-workers, partner, and even people serving me at a restaurant or the dentist. The “I deserve…” and “I need…” talk that opens a space for manipulation or disappointment.

  5. Prioritizing negative talk, because it was so normal for me to victimize around everything. How expensive life is, how terrible the government's work is, how the weather wouldn’t help my training routines, how others made me feel…

I didn’t realize that all those things I was focusing on were outside of me. I was letting them control me, fostering indifference in my day-to-day, reflected in my drinking, happiness levels, relationships, social media and Netflix binging, and most importantly, my constant excuses for not doing the things I said I was going to do.

Imagine me being one of the main characters in a Franz Kafka novel or, for those who want something more contemporary, imagine me being Xavi Hernandez after every press conference following a Barca loss.

What is today’s excuse for losing, the grass, the referee, the injuries, or the schedule?

I became self-reliant when I learned that happiness and fulfillment are inside jobs.


So, what are some of the actions you can take?

As you know, I’m a big fan of writing. Writing about my thoughts and feelings helps me understand and bring objectivity to the stories floating in my head.

Did any of these five patterns resonate with you? If they did, then write about that. Take 5 minutes, think about why it resonates, and write it down. Bring awareness to that moment.

Wait a minute! Don’t judge it—it’s not wrong nor right to have thought, felt, or acted the way you did. It’s simply what it is, it is understandable because you didn’t know better.


Now, make a choice. Choose to become aware an observer of the moments in your day-to-day life that might not align with the person who you want to become.

And if you’re not sure who that person is, then here’s your most important action of the day. Find 20 minutes for this action plan:

  1. Choose 1 person who resembles who you want to become in your professional life—write down the traits you value in this person.

  2. Choose 1 person who resembles who you want to become in your relationships—write down the characteristics this person has that you would like to bring to your life.

  3. Choose 1 person who resembles who you want to become health-wise, who has the morning routine, the gym schedule, or the diet that you would like to emulate in your life.

Now that you’ve identified these three people and have written down what you value in each one, define who you want to become. These values that you admire in them are a great starting point for you.

Give it time, revisit this definition, and craft it until it feels fully you!

Living in the present doesn’t mean ignoring goal-setting and planning for the future. On the contrary, it means having an empowering vision of what you're creating—the big 'why' powering your self-reliance and commitment today.


Now, you have examples of what patterns you can look for in your life. You have set an intention to find what doesn’t align with who you want to become, and you’ve defined who you want to become. How does that feel?

Next week we will continue to explore more around the power of choice.

I’d love to hear from you. Hit reply and share what comes up when you read the newsletter.

Keep Growing.

Your coach and friend,
