The Final Frontier To Mental Freedom

"You must cut your voice so sharply that it can be mistaken for nobody but you"

Hi there,

In the past two newsletters, we’ve explored those inner voices of fear and self-doubt that hold us back, known as the Gremlins, and we've also delved into assumptions and interpretations, clearing up the fog around our perception of what happens around us.

Today, we will explore the final message—limiting beliefs. Though they are the “weakest of the four, these beliefs are so ingrained in us that, even when we recognize them, we often feel enslaved to the emotions they evoke.

Remember: Our belief system plays an influential role in shaping our thoughts, which in turn influence our emotions and behaviors.

🧠 On My Mind:

When working with my clients they tell me they are not satisfied with a certain area of their life:

  • Decision paralysis due to the pressure to make the “perfect” choice, fearing to make a mistake.

  • Feeling constantly undervalued at work, in relationships, or at home, and believing they're not seen.

  • Stuck in their comfort zone, avoiding new opportunities because they value stability.

  • Lack of motivation and action from a belief that they aren’t capable enough to achieve more.

  • Struggling to define themselves, feeling their worth is tied to a university degree, job title, or partnership.

  • Purposeless and feeling lost due to a rigid life plan they believed in when they were young and can’t connect to in the present.

If any of these resonate with you, there’s a significant opportunity to explore which aspects of your belief system don’t align with who you are and who you are becoming.

🔍 The Why:

Our belief system serves key functions such as:

  • Guides Decision-Making

  • Shapes Perception

  • Provides Stability and Consistency

  • Motivates Behavior

  • Forms Identity

  • Offers Comfort and Meaning

It acts as our mental and emotional compass, guiding us through the complexities of life.

If our limiting beliefs are inputs to a system, and we are the system, the output becomes clear. Let’s explore some examples:

Limiting Belief (Input)

"I'm not good enough."
"If I fail, it will be a disaster."
"What will others say if I do….."
"I must be perfect to be accepted."
"I don’t deserve success or happiness."

Behavior (Output)

Avoids taking on new challenges or responsibilities.

Avoids risks and sticks to the status quo.

Holds back from expressing opinions or being authentic.

Procrastinates or overworks due to fear of making mistakes.

Self-sabotages opportunities and downplays achievements.

🕰️ When to Take Notice:

These messages often come in disguise.

Here’s a scenario: You have a big project due in a week but don’t start immediately because "you work best under pressure." The days pass, and you stay "busy" with other tasks, yet the project lingers in the back of your mind. The day before it’s due, you cram, work super hard, cancel meetings, and tell everyone how stressed you are about the project. Finally, you finish it.

What happened: You built up stress, wore yourself down, and started a never-ending cycle leading to burnout.

Consider these moments in your life: (There are limiting beliefs behind many of them)

  • During self-doubt

  • Repeating pattern

  • Moments of fear/anxiety

  • Feeling unmotivated

  • Avoiding opportunities

  • Negative self-talk

  • When pursuing goals

  • Feeling stuck

  • Relationships and Social Interactions

  • When Facing Change or Uncertainty

  • Receiving feedback

Being mindful during these moments can help you identify and challenge your limiting beliefs. Allow your best self to empower you to have thoughts that align with who you are; only then will you feel and act as you want.

🏆 Transformative Moment:

Catherine Reitman invites you to “the Arena”—the moment of making a choice—while sharing her lessons learned in becoming herself, as she shares with everyone, in this inspiring talk.

The next time you are doubting yourself, try asking yourself this:

“Why not you, baby?!?” 🚨

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Keep Going, Keep Growing,

Your Coach and Friend,