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  • What is the ultimate expression of accomplishment? - This is the one I used on the day that changed my life.

What is the ultimate expression of accomplishment? - This is the one I used on the day that changed my life.

A moment out of a Hollywood movie, yes, in LA these things happen... Learn a tool to take immediate action and commit to yourself in the next 90 days.

Hi there!

These past few days have been transformative, starting with a moment out of a Hollywood comedy movie.

"I think my water broke," Enkhi whispered at 5 AM as I prepped for the gym. Yet, with our due date two weeks away, we hesitated to make a fuss about it, she went back to bed and I headed out the front door. Mid-cardio, a quick consult with Dr. Google suggested a hospital visit might be wise, after breakfast we’ll go I told myself.

When I got back, the first thing I saw was our luggage standing by the door.

"Oh, fu*k!" slipped out. Enkhi chuckled, "We should go to the hospital."

After waiting for an eternal 40 hours the moment had come, a quick but intense 50 minutes of pushing, and I was cutting the umbilical cord.

 It was all worth it,

I murmured, grasping for words to match my feelings.

At that moment, with Enkhi and our daughter bonding, I wasn't overwhelmed with immediate love or fear; I was utterly present. The sensation was profound—akin to the mixed emotions of a farewell, knowing life would never be the same again. It was a touching end and a thrilling start.

 It was all worth it,

I thought, feeling victorious and proud.

A reflection of our commitment and hard work throughout the pregnancy, we never made sacrifices, only conscious choices with the best possible outcome in our mind.

A moment in time representing the immense accomplishments we can achieve, a recognition of life's simplicity and depth.

A meditation of gratitude that encourages us to appreciate every moment for what it is, enhancing our resilience and satisfaction.

It will be all worth it!

This strong belief can knock down any delays or fears, no matter how big they seem.

Today’s newsletter is a heartfelt thanks to Enkhi, who is the best representation of love, courage, resilience, and determination, happy 1st Mother's Day!

And to all moms and parental figures, may every day be an opportunity to appreciate who you are, beyond just a Hallmark Day.

My “IT WAS ALL WORTH IT!” vibe walking out of the hospital.

Apply it Today! - Paving the Road

Write an email to yourself detailing your aspirations for the next three months, in the tone as you’ve already done it. Concluding with gratitude for your achievements, for showing up despite all the distractions of your daily life, and for the challenges and obstacles you have overcome.

Use the "Schedule Send" feature to set this email to arrive three months from today.

Pro Tip: Describe your anticipated thoughts, feelings, and the obstacles you’ll conquer in detail. Why are these goals important to you? Visualize your success and sign off with, "It was all worth it!"

You’ve just committed to action and it’s your opportunity to hold yourself accountable.

You’ve outlined the path, acknowledged potential hardships, and how sweet success will feel. Now, all that's left is to take action.

You can do it! Keep Growing,

Your coach and friend, now also a super proud dad and husband,

Carlos Patino