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  • What the Wealthy Know About Time That You Don't – Until Now. (Part 1)

What the Wealthy Know About Time That You Don't – Until Now. (Part 1)

Hi there,

There is an 8 out of 10 chance that you are one of the poorest people in the world.

Yup, you heard me right. However, when I say poor, I’m not talking about your bank account or your material possessions. Rather, I mean you are time-poor: You have too many things to do and not enough time to do them. You probably also fit into the bucket of people who have time yet don’t take action towards their desires because they simply don’t know what or how to do it.

Time poverty affects all cultures and crosses all economic strata, most of us feel it one way or another.

Recent discussions around "time anxiety" highlight that many entrepreneurs and managers feel overwhelmed by their daily tasks and perceive a lack of sufficient time to manage their responsibilities effectively. This anxiety stems from the realization that the actual productive time available during a workday is much less than expected due to meetings, emails, and other less efficient tasks taking up significant portions of the day.

The problem:

Data shows a correlation between time poverty and misery. Time-poor people are less happy, less productive, and more stressed out. They exercise less, eat fattier food, and have a higher incidence of cardiovascular disease. Time poverty forces us to compromise. Instead of preparing a nutritious dinner, we order out, grab the chips and dip, and munch mindlessly while staring at our screens.

The crazy thing is that time diaries show that men’s leisure time in the US, for instance, has increased by six to nine hours a week in the past 50 years, while women’s has increased by four to eight hours a week.

Why, then, do we feel more time-poor than ever?

Time poverty doesn’t arise from a mismatch between the hours we have and the hours we need; it results from how we think about and value those hours.

When free time arrives, we are unprepared to use it so we waste it. Or, we tell ourselves we shouldn’t take a break so we work right through it.

Here’s an intro to what we will see on Thursday's Growth Newsletter, a list of time traps to build awareness around:

  1.  Technology Breaks Our Hours Into Small Pieces

  2. Overvaluation of Money Over Time

  3. Undervaluing Our Time

  4. Busyness as a Status Symbol

  5. Fear of Slowing Down

  6. Overestimating Future Time

  7. Digital Overload

 The Solution:

If any of these resonate with you, here’s your chance to do something about it.

Join the free Masterclass “Unlock Productivity: Master Time, Harness Potential and Unleash the Leader Within” on April 30th at 17:00 PST / 20:00 Quito / 20:00 EST, and for our friends in Asia, May 1st at 8:00 AM. [Register Here]

Knowledge with no action is like getting a gym membership, going once, and then just using it to justify eating an extra slice of cake. 

Let’s change that together.

My Promise: An hour of value, the recording of the Masterclass, and a workbook to apply it yourself!

Keep Growing,

Your Coach and Friend,


P.S. Because I value your time and attention, I’ve decided to cover this topic in two short newsletters. I hope you enjoy it!

Remember, you can always hit reply and share your thoughts with me.