Why You're Feeling Overwhelmed and How to Fix It

Discover the root causes of your stress and learn how to turn it into personal growth.

Hi there,

How’s your week going? 

You know that feeling of overwhelm that comes from managing tight deadlines, balancing family commitments, or navigating career changes? Stress can easily build up and take a toll on both your personal and professional life.

In Tuesday’s newsletter, I shared how I managed to draw attention to and transform unhealthy thoughts during a stressful move to strengthen my relationship. 

Today, let’s dive deeper into how these changes can positively impact both your personal and professional life.

🧠 On My Mind: 

“How will all this help me improve at work?” A client asked me during our weekly session. Instead of explaining, I asked, “Did you notice any changes in your daily life after our first few sessions?”

After a moment of reflection, she answered, “Actually, yes. By exploring who I am and how my actions align with that person, I noticed a discrepancy. Just by becoming aware of it, I changed my actions between the last session and today.” Her face lit up as she continued, “This week, I felt more confident and happy. Fewer arguments at home and in the office. Things are starting to make sense!”

🔍 The Why: 

Another client shared with me, “My purpose in life is to be happy in the now.” Many of us strive to express our full abilities and talents, yet we often struggle to identify what they are or who we truly are.

Exploring these questions is uncomfortable because once we define our true selves, we must take action. Avoiding to answer these questions means consciously choosing to waste our present.

At its core, I believe we can all benefit from the purpose of building mastery in the art of living—not by seeking sympathy or external validation, but by being of service to others. This means thinking less about ourselves and more about those around us, creating space for reconciliation and opportunity.

It means filling our lives with love, laughter, and a desire to serve, and being passionate about living. By recognizing the possibility of change and believing in ourselves, we create a path to growth, replacing feelings of unworthiness, the compulsion to please others, and the need for external validation with a profound sense of purpose and connection.

🕰️ When to Take Notice: 

Every moment of your day is an opportunity to ask yourself: Is this who I really want to be?

Here’s a short cheat sheet with 10 Common Reactions Misaligned with Who We Are: Download Cheat Sheet

🏆 Transformative Moments: 

Shining a light on our common reactions helps us identify misalignments in our daily lives. Recognizing these moments can transform feelings of overwhelm and frustration into opportunities for growth.

Why Use the Cheat Sheet:

  • Increase Self-Awareness: Spot patterns that don't serve your true self.

  • Reduce Overwhelm: Understand the root cause of daily frustrations.

  • Enhance Growth: Turn everyday challenges into learning experiences.

  • Build Confidence: Align actions with your authentic self.

Apply it today and let me know what you learned about yourself!

♻️ Share this exercise with someone who would benefit from it.

Keep Going, Keep Growing,

Your Coach and Friend,
